Your credit score reflects the health of your credit history, with a higher number being better. Anything above 700 is good. If your score is below 580, many lending companies will not give you a loan. Before you can improve your score, you need to have a better idea of how it’s calculated.

Primary Considerations That Go Into Your Score

The first thing you need to know is that there are three major bureaus that calculate your credit score. They are Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian. Don’t be surprised to find that each of these companies has calculated a different score for you; that’s because each company uses its own model for determining your score. But there are several key components that go in regardless of the model used — components that you actually have a great deal of control over.

The main considerations are:

  • Credit Card Accounts: How many different credit card accounts do you have? Don’t just consider your main cards, like Discover or Visa. Factor in all the store credit cards you’ve acquired as well. When it comes to your credit score, having too many cards can be harmful.
  • Current Loans: Do you have many loans that will take a long time to pay back? If you have mortgages, student loans, car loans, and others, you’ll want to try to pay at least some of them down significantly to improve your credit score.
  • Payment History: Do you make your payments on time? If you’ve never missed a payment, your score is likely pretty good.

Some Additional Important Factors

Another consideration is the length of your credit history. If you’ve just opened your first credit card account, you won’t have much of a credit history yet. But don’t worry — in a few months or so, your history will build and your score will reflect your credit picture more accurately.

Another factor that affects your score is whether or not your credit cards are maxed out. Lenders want to see that you are able to pay your balances or at least the minimum that’s due each month. Also, if too many different agencies are inquiring about your credit all at once, your score can go down, at least temporarily.

What Can Hurt Your Credit Score

Of course, missing payments is a biggie. Late payments stay on your credit reports for years. Also, watch the spending and repayment habits of anyone who shares your account, such as a spouse. If they’re handling their credit cards irresponsibly, their scores will drop — and so will yours.

Read our previous post, What Hurts Your Credit Score, to find out what else can cause your score to drop.

Ways To Boost Your Score

You’ll be happy to know that there are many ways to increase your credit score. We can’t stress this enough: pay as much of your balance as you can every month, and make sure that all of your payments are received on time. Start to do this consistently, and watch your score improve steadily.

Another way to boost your score is to curb your spending to give you a chance to catch up with payments and reduce your balance. In addition, stop applying for every credit card offer that comes your way; each new credit card application brings your score down.

When You Need Money Fast

When you need cash quickly, such as for an emergency, but your credit score is keeping banks from lending you money, consider a payday loan. This type of loan is considered short-term, and it’s designed to get you through unforeseen circumstances until your next paycheck comes in.

Payday Loans In Texas

At Your Loan Depot, we specialize in fast-cash loans that help people with good credit, bad credit, and everything in between access funds quickly for emergencies and unexpected expenses. Our payday loans and title loans can be just what you need to pay for an emergency now, which can be a big help in between paychecks.

Fill out our payday loan application online to get started. If you have any questions, give us a call. The courteous representatives at Your Loan Depot will answer your questions and explain any terms you may not understand. We are here to help you through whatever financial emergencies you may encounter. We have several payday loan locations throughout Texas to serve you, including our offices in Stephenville, Corsica, Mansfield, and Houston. Get in touch with us today!